The reminder came about because peres is more or less the name of the rude and crude judge who berated Miss California on his blog, and because the incident is characteristic of the intolerance of the left, which brooks no opposition to its cultural and legal onslaught, like the Babylonian regime of Daniel's time.
The interpretation that Daniel makes of the writing on the wall is that Mene (numbered) refers to God having numbered the years of the kingdom of the Babylonians and finished it, Tekel (weighed) to His having weighed it and found it wanting, and Peres (divided) to its imminent division between the Medes and the Persians.
It is clear that we are in such a battle today, with the Babylonians of our times (a term Scripture uses for any kingdom that opposes God). Like King Belshazzar, the modern Babylonians delight in taking the sacred vessels which God's people holds dear -- Christ, Christ's Church, Christ's Vicar, the vocations which make us like Christ (priesthood, religious life, Christian marriage and single life), and even the body and life itself, and showing their contempt for God by polluting them with their abominations. Like the King they think themselves invincible; thus their arrogance and scorn of God's People. However, we know that whatever their ascendancy now, ultimately this worldwide kingdom of Babylon is numbered, weighed and divided.
A question suggests itself, however. Who will be the means of Babylon's chastisement, who will be Media and Persia to divide this modern Babylon, and set God's people free, as King Cyrus of Persia did? Without reading too much into it, Iran contains within it most of ancient Media and Persia. Whomever God uses as His instrument, the victor will be Christ Himself, personally insulted in so much that the modern Belshazzars do.
St. Faustina, pray for us!
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