There seemed to be more youth and more families than ever before - indeed, an abundance of strollers. What the enemies of life don't seem to realize is that this issue can never go away, any more than the civil rights movements on behalf of women or blacks could simply fade into history. This year's March, of perhaps 250,000 by some estimates, puts an exclamation point on that truth! The fact that the main stream media had to, in some cases, "balance" their coverage by showing the three anti-life protesters at the Supreme Court, only shows the desperation and hypocrisy of the culture of death.
And yes, they had a short term victory when the President reversed the Mexico City policy in the "dead of night," as it were, 5 pm Friday when the last weekday news deadline had passed. With his al-Arabiya news interview, it would seem that President Obama's respect for the sovereignty and cultures of other nations extends to the 1 billion Moslems, but not to prolife countries like Cameroon, which is fighting the pro-abortion machinery of the UN, and soon will no doubt be fighting US taxpayer-funded population imperialists. Yes, indeed, "change" and "transperancy". Lets all just get along -- unless it offends the leftwing constituencies of the Democrat party.
So, marching for life is not over. We oogedy-boogedy voters will contine to be at it for as long as it takes. We won't lose heart. The victory is already ours, as it is God's.
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