In that spirit a truly representative group of Americans will gather on the mall Thursday to work and pray for the most disenfranchised members of society, the unborn. Our first hope, I say "our" as I will be there among them, is that President Obama won't reverse the Mexico City Policy initiated by President Reagan. This policy prevents the United States from the population imperialism of promoting abortion and contraception against the wishes of a foreign nation's people. This is often done coercively, in return for financial aid. With the exception of the Clinton years, this has been the respectful foreign policy of almost three decades. It also protects the American people, who in poll after poll eschew the radical abortion agenda, from having to pay for abortions with their tax dollars.
Our second hope is that he will not encourage the re-submission of the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) in the new Congress. FOCA would essentially federalize abortion and make abortion on demand the law of the land. This would overturn state regulations that regulate clinics, require parental consent, or informed consent. Such a law he has previously promised the abortion radicals. Yet... it would not be governing from the center, and so we hope.
Our third hope is that he will not change the delicate balance forged by the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy in the military, by which homosexual service members who do not openly announce or act on their homosexual orientation may serve. This is not, as many argue, a civil rights issue. It is a unit cohesion issue, and the President should defer to the wisdom of the military leadership, and not the gay rights movement. This movement wishes to mainstream the homosexual lifestyle as morally legitimate, and to use the military as a vehicle to do so.
So, as the March begins for a new administration it also begins in the battle for life and family. Join us on the Mall, or in prayer, and watch this space for live blogging during the March for Life on Thursday 22 January.
St. Sebastian pray for us!
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