As many have maintained, liberalism is a corruptio mentis (corruption of the mind). From a Christian perspective this is easy to understand. Owing to the sin of Adam, we are conceived without the integrity of human nature which God intended, and in which our first parents were created, body and soul unified by divine grace. The consequence of original sin is that our passions, which are seated in our animal nature, are in rebellion against our intellect and will, which are seated in our soul. The result is that while we grasp material concepts well (one need only look at the advance of math and science), the acquisition of, reasonning about, and judgment among spiritual principles is accomplished with difficulty.
Through the operation of grace, however, the believer is assisted in restoring the integrity of his nature, and with it, his ability to reason CORRECTLY about spiritual principles, especially moral issues. Not surprisingly the greatest thinkers in philosophical and moral sciences tend to be those who earnestly seek God. On the other hand, the eshewing of God inevitably leads to further and further DISintegration of one's spiritual faciulties. Not surprisingly, this is often accompanied by a morally and intellectually dissolute life.
In an article on OneNewsNow.com conservative columnist Don Feder tells about his recent experience on the campus of the University of Massachusetts. Mr. Feder's article points out the reliance on passion over reason among the socialists and other liberal cabalists who disrupted a speech he was to give at this institution where the cogency of one's idea's, not one's militant ideology, ought to reign.
Read it at: http://www.onenewsnow.com/Perspectives/Default.aspx?id=464908
Our Lady of the Incarnation, pray for us.
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