In a Q&A with reporters on the way to Cameroon, Benedict XVI dared to challenge the all-holy condom, sacrament of the gay lifestyle and fornicators the world over, as the answer to HIV/AIDS. With ruthless precision, the statistics have been trotted out which allege to show that condoms reduce the transmission of HIV and slow, and even reverse, the spread of AIDS. Never mind that as independent a group as Harvard University's "AIDS Prevention Research Project" states that no real evidence of the claimed causality has been demonstrated. Rather, the use of condoms is negated by the human phenomenon of "risk compensation", by which a user increases the frequency and riskiness of behavior since he or she is now "protected".
The media, of course, has little regard for the facts, and even less that as a Shepherd of Souls it is the duty of the Pope to encourage virtue, abstinence before marriage and monogamy within it, as the only true preventative for individuals. Human beings are not mere points on a statistician's graph, but souls whose earthly and eternal life are at stake. Look for continuing attacks on the Pope and the Church by the house organs of the culture of death.
AIDS Prevention Research Project
Kathryn Jean Lopez article
St. Joseph, example of authentic masculinity, pray for us!
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